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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sun rod fire tube boiler

A fire-tube boiler is a type of boiler in which hot gases from a fire pass through one or Sun and planet gear; Watt's Return connecting rod engine; Six-column

Principle of sun rod fire tube boiler

RUNLI DZL series steam and hot-water boiler is the single-cylinder, water-tube assembly, chain grate boiler. Boiler drum is arranged along the center of the boiler longitudinally. The front drum and both sides of the furnace water all tubes form radiant heating surface, the rear drum and the tube nest between the header form convection heating surface. Coal economizer is installed at the rear of boiler. After some heat of the combustion-generated high temperature fume is absorbed by the hearth, the fume flows to the convection heating surface through cooling chamber and exhausts outside through the chimney via coal economizer, dust collector and draught fan.

Features and Advantages of sun rod fire tube boiler

1. Compact structure, small installation space, single-floor boiler room, cost-effective infrastructure.
2. Great assembly level, short installation period and inexpensive installation.
3. Sufficient and reasonable heating surface, quick temperature/pressure-rise of boiler, satisfactory productivity and high heating efficiency.
4. Introduce the air with air distribution chambers of grate. All air distribution chambers can adjust the air flow independently and grate can be regulated stepless speed. Wide range of applicable coals and full combustion.
5. Electric control cabinet is equipped with complete automatic control and monitor instruments featuring high automation, safety, reliability and simple operation.

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