জ্ঞাত হচ্ছে সসীম, অজ্ঞাত অসীম ;বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিকভাবে আমরা দাড়িয়ে আছি ব্যখ্যার অতীত অবস্থার এক অসীম মহাসমূদ্রের মাঝে এক ক্ষূদ্র দ্বীপের উপর। প্রত্যেক প্রজন্মে আমাদের কাজ হল আরো কিছুটা জমি পূনঃদখল করা।
Problems may arise in these
vessels due to the lack of torsional strength caused by the large hatches.
This problem is overcome to
some extent by fitting torsion boxes on each side of the ship.
These boxes are formed by the
upper deck, top part of the longitudinal bulkhead, sheer strake and upper
platform, all of which are of thick material.
The boxes are supported inside
by transverses and wash bulkheads in addition to the longitudinal framing.
These boxes are only effective
if they are efficiently tied at their ends.
At the after end they extend
into the engine room and are tied to deep transverse webs.
Similarly at the fore end, they
are carried as far forward as the form of the ship will allow and are welded to
transverse webs.
The longitudinal bulkheads
below the box may have to be stepped inboard to suit the shape of the ship, the
main longitudinal bulkhead being scarphed into the stepped section.